Terms and Conditions

By using the Amsterdam American Business Club website you accept you are subject to the following terms and conditions (hereinafter the “Terms and Conditions”):


The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:
Member Communication: information made available to you by AABC which provides information on AABC Services. It may be made available to you by printed word or in mailings to some or all AABC Members.
Member: you or another person named by you who is authorized to use your login.


2.1 We will take all reasonable steps to make the Services available to you at all times. We cannot guarantee a continuous fault free service. Please note that:
2.1.1 the quality and availability of Services may sometimes be affected by factors outside our control – such as internet interference, features or functionality of your computer, the number of people trying to use the network at the same time, and faults in other telecommunication networks to which the Network is connected.
2.1.2 the quality of our Services may not be at its best when connecting via a mobile Phone.
2.2 When you move outside an enhanced service area this may result in:
2.2.1 the connection being terminated if you are online.
2.2.2 the speeds at which data is downloaded being affected.
2.3 The Network and the Services may from time to time require upgrading, modification, maintenance or other works. These may result in some or all of the Services becoming temporarily unavailable. In such cases, we’ll do everything we can to keep the period of non-availability to a minimum. However, some interruption may be inevitable.
2.4 For the purposes of good management and security and to make sure we follow your instructions correctly and to improve our service to you through training of our staff, or to monitor instances of unsolicited messages we may monitor or record communications. Where we have good reason to believe such communication is unsolicited you agree we may, but are not obliged to, block such communication.
2.5 We may Suspend the Services in whole or part at any time without notice if we have good reason to believe you haven’t complied with one or more of these terms and conditions.
2.6 We shall investigate all complaints made whether by or against you and reserve the right to Suspend the Services if a complaint has been made against you pending the results of investigation of the complaint.
2.7 If you use Services from a country outside the Netherlands your use of the Services may be subject to different laws and regulations that apply in that other country. AABC is not liable for your failure to comply with those laws or regulations.
Storage and transmission of information on our Network
2.8 We may establish limits concerning the use of the Services for example the maximum size of an email message that may be sent or received, the maximum capacity allocated to you for storage of Content on the Network which you access via the Services.
2.9 You agree that AABC has no responsibility for the deletion, corruption or failure to store any Content maintained or transmitted by the Network.
2.10 Whilst AABC has no responsibility to monitor the use of the Services if you exceed the use limits we reserve the right to refuse to store or send Content on your behalf.
Access to the Services and Content
2.11 Under no circumstances will AABC or any of the other parties involved in the provision of AABC Content, be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses rising from or in any way connected with any errors, defects, interruptions, malfunctions or delays in Content or the provision of Content. AABC agrees to rectify any such problems in the Content which are notified to AABC as soon as AABC reasonably can. If you do notice a fault or error in the AABC Content, please notify the fault to AABC.
2.12 AABC accepts no liability for the loss, late receipt or non-readability of any download, transmission, or other communications. The Content, which is obtained from a large range of sources, is supplied to You on an “as is” basis and AABC does not warrant that the Content is of satisfactory quality, fit for a particular purpose, suitable, reliable, accurate, complete, secure or is free from error. Access to the third party services and the internet.
2.13 We have no control over the value or quality of goods, services or Content offered by third parties on or through the Services. As a result we cannot be responsible or liable in any way for and do not endorse, any of these goods, services or Content.
2.14 AABC accepts no liability for the loss, late receipt or non-readability of any download, transmission, or other communications. The Content, which is obtained from a large range of sources, is supplied to You on an “as is” basis and AABC does not warrant that the Content is of satisfactory quality, fit for a particular purpose, suitable, reliable, accurate, complete, secure or is free from error.
2.15 If you use your Computer to access the internet or third party services as it may not be a secure environment unwanted programs or material or viruses may be downloaded to your Computer without your knowledge which may give unauthorized access to, or damage your Computer and the information stored on it. AABC is not liable or responsible in any way for such unauthorized access, damage to or loss of information on your Computer whether transmitted via the Services or otherwise.