Company Sponsorship

Company Sponsorship


This is the standard company sponsorship with the Amsterdam American Business Club.  This sponsorship is intended for companies that wish to support the AABC and share brand awareness with the AABC’s network.

Company sponsors receive 2 transferable AABC memberships for use by employees of their organization:

  • Unlimited attendance at the AABC’s regular networking and business events with speakers from business and government;
  • Access to the AABC’s member directory;
  • Inclusion of your company name and logo in the AABC member directory; and

PLUS the following exclusive benefits:

  • Publication of two (2) objective content pieces on the AABC website & social media channels
  • Co-sponsorship of one AABC event annually (along with another company sponsor); and
  • Company branding featured on a designated section of the AABC website.
Annual Company Sponsorship : € 1,250.00 (excl. VAT).

Please contact for additional information.

Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise noted, sponsorships are non-exclusive. The AABC reserves the sole right to review and approve all sponsor branding and content to be placed on the AABC website, social media and events. Sponsor to provide all content to be placed on AABC website, newsletter and venue at sponsor’s expense.

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