Member Benefits

Interested in joining the Amsterdam American Business Club (AABC)? Become one of our esteemed members to take advantage of the following key benefits:

One-Year AABC Membership includes

• Networking with other professionals and entrepreneurs with ties to the US and the Netherlands

• Free admission to AABC Networking Borrels

• Invitations to Members-Only events

• Discounted tickets to special AABC events*

• At least 11 networking events per year

• Detailed profile on AABC Member Directory

• Easy profile maintenance; add your logo, photos, or an exclusive offer for AABC members

• Access to AABC Member Directory

• Exclusive offers from sponsors and other AABC members

• Free enamel lapel pin with American and Amsterdam flags

* Some special events are not included in the membership fee.

Become a member and enjoy the privileges of mingling with fellow AABC members and acquaintances. Meet interesting new contacts and perhaps even make some new friends — all part of a typical AABC event. More importantly, you will be part of an exclusive and fun group that understands the value of building friendships and sharing your own unique cultural and professional experiences with other like-minded individuals.

We hope you will consider joining the AABC so that you can enjoy the AABC’s privileges for an entire calendar year. The annual individual membership fee is €249.00 (excl. VAT). Proceeds are used to subsidize the costs of hosting our many events throughout the year.

Do you have questions about AABC Membership? Contact our Membership Committee Chair at