Joseph A. Parente

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Joseph A. Parente

Joseph Parente is a career Foreign Service Officer with the United States Department of State with over 20 years of experience in a wide variety of domestic and overseas assignments. He currently serves as the United States Consul General for Amsterdam in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Prior to taking his current assignment in Amsterdam, Joe served as the Deputy Consul General at the U.S. Embassy Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and as Deputy Chief of the Consular Section at U.S. Embassy Ankara. In a career highlight, Joe was in Cyprus on a temporary assignment in 2006 to assist in the evacuation of over 15,000 American citizens from Lebanon during the Israeli-Hezbollah war.
Born in Canton, Ohio, Joe moved to Las Vegas, Nevada at age 11 with his family. He is a graduate of the National War College in Washington DC and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. With varying degrees of rust, he speaks Farsi, Romanian, Mandarin Chinese, and French and is taking his first lessons in Dutch.

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